SEN Ethics and Every Child Matters that need to be put in place
1). What I have had or am going to put in place in the future for my own Professional Practice
Soon I will be holding a Musical Theatre Workshop and taking a large group of children to put on two shows at a theatre. When taking this into consideration I had to think of the student who has cerebral palsy and speak to there parents to assure them that when I look around the theatre we will look at the space to get on and off the stage.
I took someone with a lot of experience of working with adults with many difficulties/disabilities and who is a lead internal verifier who gave myself and my employees manual handling course before working with this specific student. We both will now have to make our own risk assessments for the theatre for this specific student so everyone knows what to do with this student and the student knows what will happen in case of emergency's etc.
2). Below are the changes that are happening to the SEN Code of Practice;
Changes from the SEN Code of Practice (2001)
The main changes from the SEN Code of Practice (2001) reflect the changes introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014. These are:
• The Code of Practice (2014) covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as those with SEN
• There is a clearer focus on the participation of children and young people and parents in decision-making at individual and strategic levels
• There is a stronger focus on high aspirations and on improving outcomes for children and young people
• It includes guidance on the joint planning and commissioning of services to ensure close co-operation between education, health and social care
• It includes guidance on publishing a Local Offer of support for children and young people with SEN or disabilities
• There is new guidance for education and training settings on taking a graduated approach to identifying and supporting pupils and students with SEN (to replace School Action and School Action Plus)
• For children and young people with more complex needs a co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) replace statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs)
• There is a greater focus on support that enables those with SEN to succeed in their education and make a successful transition to adulthood
• Information is provided on relevant duties under the Equality Act 2010
• Information is provided on relevant provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
• There is new guidance on supporting children and young people with SEN who are in youth custody. (Department of Education, 2015)
3). Within the .GOV website I have looked into the Legislations and Guidance for SEN.
- Safeguarding
- The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Volume 2 and 3 (this is setting out the responsibilities of local authorities towards looked after children and care leavers)
- Equality Act 2010
- Responsible adjustments for disabled pupils (2012).
- Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (2014)
- The Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice: Protecting the vulnerable (2005)
4). As well as the legal documents all legal authorities must make sure that the children/young people and parents are fully involved with any decisions about their own individual support and about the local provision given. (Department of Education, 2015).
Early years providers, schools and colleges should also take steps to ensure that young people and parents are actively supported in contributing to needs assessments, developing and reviewing Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. Specifically, local authorities must
• ensure the child’s parents or the young person are fully included in the EHC needs assessment process from the start, are fully aware of their opportunities to offer views and information, and are consulted about the content of the plan (Chapter 9)
• consult children with SEN or disabilities, and their parents and young people with SEN or disabilities when reviewing local SEN and social care provision (Chapter 4)
• consult them in developing and reviewing their Local Offer (Chapter 4)
• make arrangements for providing children with SEN or disabilities, and their parents, and young people with SEN or disabilities with advice and information about matters relating to SEN and disability (Chapter 2) (Department of Education, 2015)Here it gives us an idea that I will need to converse with each parent and individual student that has difficulties so that they are aware of the support I can offer and the way in which I will involve their child/them to be included within each dance class. Depending on the different types of disabilities I may need to do a risk assessment for each individual who has a difficulty/disability.
5). As well as having all ethics all children as well as children/young people with SEN/Disability's need a high quality of teaching and provision, even though the following statements of requirement are for early years/schools/colleges etc. it still applies to myself.
Early years providers, schools and colleges should know precisely where children and young people with SEN are in their learning and development. They should:The way in which I will accomplish these certain points will be to keep parents/carers/guardians of the students with SEN/disability's/learning difficulties, in the loop of knowing what their progression is and where their weaknesses and strengths are as well as conversing with the student. After a conversation I would like to set goals that they (the student) would like to accomplish and tie this within my planning of lessons to help towards this target for each individual which could also help other students.
• ensure decisions are informed by the insights of parents and those of children and young people themselves
• have high ambitions and set stretching targets for them
• track their progress towards these goals
• keep under review the additional or different provision that is made for them
• promote positive outcomes in the wider areas of personal and social development, and
• ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress (Department of Education, 2015)
For further information I will refer back to Department of education website as I know that all information on here is up to date and covers many areas and aspects when working with children/young people with Special Educational Needs.
Every Child needs Nurturing so it can
Flourish to be the best it can be! |
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