Friday, 6 March 2015

Task 4d - The start of looking at Literature for my Inquiry

Ways of Learning (Third edition) - Learning theories and learning styles in the classroom.

I have just began reading this book and already 22 pages in I have scribbled in the book of ideas and ways in which it links to the way  I already teach dance/singing/drama but it has also allowed me to see many other ideas where  I could incorporate different strategies to transform the theories out of a classroom setting and into a class that teaches children/young people the three disciplines of performing arts.

This book is fantastic as it covers many theories from great people which includes Kolb, Honey and Mumford, During Module 1 I had gained a huge interest in there theories and ideas on learning. The book speaks of a variety of ways of learning and covers a lot of areas I have been very interested in learning about;
- Learning
- Behaviourism and the beginnings of theory
- Cognitive, constructivist learning
- Multiple Intelligences
- Learning Styles
- Difficulties with learning. This covers; Dyslexia, Specific language impairment, Pragmatic language impairment, Autistic spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Down's syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Conduct Disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Attachment disorder, Fragile X syndrome, Williams syndrome and Tourette's syndrome
(along with information, within the book they have websites for each individual difficulty which I can go to if I need more knowledge or understanding of one in particular)
- The impact of neuroeducational research
- Relating theory to practice: what can we learn from research?
- Comparing and contrasting Piaget and Vygotsky - in summary

At the moment I am having to read slow to make sure I am taking every bit of information in so I have a better knowledge of everything I am wanting to learn about this subject.

Cognitive, Constructivist Learning

Within the book I have just started to look at Cognitive, constructivist learning and have come across Jean Piaget (1896-1980) theory which is called; Stages of Development.
I believe that each age/age range has a development as they progress and get older and along the way as things click and are understood clearer in a variety of ways. Here Piaget has stated just that in his theory.
Here is part of the book with Piaget's table surrounded by my scribbling's of what sprung to my mind when reading it;

Piaget's stages of development

This has really got me thinking because as well as seeing what each individual's strengths for learning are I also need to take age into consideration and the developments each age range requires.
For example; the 2- 7 years old Imagination is beginning to develop and so here if placed in an acting/drama class you would do a lot of work that would enhance that area in the brain for it to progress and unlock more avenues to help them in the future.
To achieve this I would start by making them move around the space becoming animals or different people;
- Baby
- Toddler
- Themselves
- Adult
- Grandma/Grandad
This is usually interesting to see how there bodies change automatically at a young age.

To progress this as they begin to get older (5-7years) I would take them on a journey by telling them a descriptive story continuously whilst they went along that journey by acting out what I was saying with music to enhance imagination as well. At this point as a teacher my expression within my voice will also show how they need to be feeling which will start to improve facial expressions. To keep developing there own imagination I would start to not give as much information to allow them to decide their own journey. Example;
Before I may of said;
'As I began to get dressed, I decided on my favourite T-shirt, however I realised as I put on my jeans they were still damp and cold. Trying to forget about my cold, damp jeans I threw on my enormous, red jumper. I had never worn this jumper before as I didn't like it very much as it always made me itch but I had to as my nan was arriving and she had brought it for my birthday.'
Where as I may say a few months after this; (6-7years) 
'I began to get dressed as I knew my nan was arriving.' PAUSE FOR 30seconds ' Mum then shouted upstairs, ' Make sure you wear the jumper nanny bought you for your birthday!' I hated it but knew I would be in trouble if I didn't'.

This would eventually progress to working in two's/three's. It would start to become harder as you could not communicate during the story however both children would have there own ideas/interpretations on the story but they knew they would have to work together. This I would aim at the start of 7 - 9 years old as they are beginning to develop logic and by giving them this task they would have another person to work with rather than by themselves and would have to use there brains by either being the instigator of an idea which was verbally given by the teacher or by following the other person's idea.

Lastly I would work with 9 - 11 year olds to create the last task as it requires everyone listening and sitting in a group circle whilst being told a story with music in the background. As the teacher taps people to join the story as it progresses they will immediately take direction and use their imagination and logic in many different ways. This also makes them work and think quickly and effectively.
Tap someone 'It was a beautiful day and Tom went for a walk in the fields, he was so upset from the argument he had with his mum the night before. As he was thinking more and more about it he lost track of the time and before he knew it he was lost' Tap two others ' Tom kept walking and could see in the distance a large hill. Tom raced over and all of a sudden he arrived at the bottom of it' (Here the two which where tapped should of made a hill shape with there bodies by the first person)'Tom thought to himself, If I go to the top of the hill I will be able to see where I am. As Tom began to climb up the hill he began to get slower and slower whilst struggling for breath' (Here there was a lot of information for all 3. The 1st person who is playing 'Tom' should start to look as if he was climbing but getting slower and panting when instructed whilst the other two people got smaller and smaller as 'Tom' climbed the hill).

Here you can see the progression just for enhancing Imagination aimed at different ages but catching it as it is developing and not letting go but grasping on to knew learning developments that are occurring throughout the ages.

To progress further you would introduce;
- The students picking the place where they might be. (Act out by self in silence)
- The students picking a place where they might be in twos or three's. (Act out in Silence)
- The teacher gives them a place and a reason of why they are there. (Act out in Silence)
- The teacher gives them a place and a reason of why they are there. (Act out using limited speech)

This then leads on to Improvisation at a later stage. This process encourages them to experience and have freedom of different paths they can take and to think outside of the box.

Here I think Piaget does remind us of the different developments children have at a young age and how we need to grasp onto them straight away and keep developing them so they become the best and have a broader and stable knowledge to refer back to in the future when they are confronted by difficult and more challenging tasks.

I look forward to continue reading Ways of Learning and I hope to come back with more interesting facts I have found.


  1. Thanks Kirstie - yes just mentioned Piaget on another blog - he is classic for the stages of development in children - and has been used in many theories about learning. I like when it is explained in pictures Ways of Learning looks good - hopefully some of these ideas can be used underpin your thinking - you will have a chance to do a review of literature in Module 3!

  2. I have just had a look at the website and found it so interesting to see how this relates to art and drawing. I will have a closer look at this and do some further research into Piaget
