Thursday, 9 October 2014

TASK 1b: Professional Communication Technologies

Most of us are all guilty of using the Web 2.0 every day as it is always there at the end of our finger tips.  We are fortunate to access it on our smart phones, tablets, laptops etc. What would we do without it?

What is Web 2.0?

I was so confused and didn’t know what Web 2.0 was before reading the handbook, but couldn’t believe it when I understood it was everything I used to network as a professional and use on a day to day basis for personal use and business.
Web 2.0 is a phenomenal resource we have today in the 21st century. It allows us to do so much from keeping in contact with friends and family who may have moved abroad, allowing businesses to have a larger audience to target, letting the public know what you are pursuing and letting us, as the public, have our own voice.
There are so many ways to communicate, such as; Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Blogging, email, YouTube etc. which all have their own unique way to get/keep in touch. Once joining the BAPP course I hadn’t heard of blogging and didn’t understand what the use of a blog page was for, however once browsing at others I realised what a fantastic site it is by allowing you to have your voice heard whilst gaining feedback from the public and followers of your page.
The Web 2.0 is always improving and expanding globally and will carry on doing so in the future as it is never ending. Whilst looking at the Facebook statistics, it made me recognise how large and popular this social media site is.
‘Facebook: 1 billion users; 604 million mobile users; More than 42 million pages and 9 million apps’  Facebook (2013)
Web 2.0 gains so many more people every day from all over the world expanding each site individually. Will social media ever come to a standstill?
Every site is filled with all kinds of people from many different backgrounds who enjoy the freedom of keeping in the loop and know. For many industry’s social media has benefited many people and will continue to do so whilst improving each day. We have the freedom to interact with celebrities, idols, businesses which will encourage us to participate in communication.


Web 2.0 is a fantastic way to communicate and participate in any discussion however the correct use of language is essential. The Web 2.0 facilities are so laid back and give so much freedom but if abused it can easily be taken away from you. As great as it is there are members of the public which abuse its features and manipulate people by words, pictures, videos or posts which is very common.

Web 2.0 – For Performing Arts

Communication and Information

Wherever I look there is always something on Facebook for me to join or information which is related to the industry I am in. The Web 2.0 is perfect for information or advertisement for auditions that are being held or information on new shows/performances which are in rehearsal and space for any questions or queries that would get an automatic response as it is so accessible.


Here is a post from a professional database for professionals. This is informing and letting everyone know there will be a workshop coming up. This keeps us all up to date and in the know of what is coming up and giving us information in such a quick and effective way. This page has 22,358 likes, which means this post is reaching each person individually by the click of a button.
Here is another page that keeps me up-to-date with auditions coming up. All I have to do is find this page, like everyone in the industry, and scroll through. This is such an easy way to keep up-to-date by checking the page daily for new information. This page has 22,489 likes.


As well as #hashtags Twitter is also well known for the freedom to follow those who inspire you and to see what they are working on whilst gaining knowledge on any information the industry or interests you have. It enables the freedom of your own thoughts (the same as Facebook) but to a wider audience as anyone can follow you.


Another great source is YouTube which allows us as professionals to appreciate and research work that inspires us and to keep us up to date with recent work out there and workshops people are undertaking. I watch many clips from YouTube to inspire and get ideas for choreography I am putting together for the children/teenagers I am teaching as I love to keep up to date with new trends of dance as well as keeping in touch with where those trends have evolved from and hanging onto them to keep them alive. I have never put anything I am in on YouTube before as I have been reluctant to showcase myself in such a exposing way as I feel more comfortable through Facebook as I can monitor who can see videos/pictures of myself.
Many professionals in the industry have some sort of access to social communications. However do we as professionals need to keep some of our personal information away from the web?
When addressing my own way of using social media I have always been careful as to what I have involved in my posts, comments, pictures and videos. I know first and for most that my career means too much to me than it to be destroyed by my lack of thinking of what I put on the internet. From my previous blog post I mentioned how everyone knows everyone in the industry and so I want to look and present myself as best as I can on the internet how I would face to face, as the internet is open for anyone to see.


1 comment:

  1. Kirstie - relevant information about sites - useful to share. It looks like the task has helped you make an inventory of some of your professional sites. I sometimes get too many to track!
