Cinderella, Leamington Spa Experience
I have been in pantomime over Christmas at Leamington Spa in Cinderella. It was such a fantastic experience and has increased my knowledge as a performer but also encouraged the transition from student to professional. I also had the opportunity to experience going on as an understudy for 2 shows. I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I was able to go on as myself (ensemble) as well as Dandini.
Being an understudy for Cinderella, Dandini and Fairy Godmother as well as having ASM duties whilst knowing my own part was a real challenge and one thing I was worried about before entering my 2 weeks of rehearsal. As I stared at my script the week before my rehearsals I wondered how I was going to learn all 4 parts in 2 weeks. Despite my doubts I miraculously did it and was lucky enough to go on as Dandini twice.
Being put under pressure was a great thing to go through and being on edge all the time not knowing if you are going on as yourself or someone else also keeps your adrenaline going. In the adult ensemble there was myself and a male, however he fell ill with laryngitis leading me to cover his songs and lines which also gave me more to do for 3 weeks. To begin with I worried a little but once he recovered near the end of the run it was strange to not be singing all the time and speaking. I was almost having to stop myself at some point. This was another great experience however doing 46 shows takes its toll, in the middle of the run I fell ill however I powered through it and continued with what I needed to do.
After finishing the run it was a relief but also upset to not be performing all the time. Two shows a day was great but was tough at the same time, it didn't help with myself commuting everyday which was sometimes a struggle as I had to concentrate until I got home which would take 30mins there and back.
Overall I loved the pantomime life and how lovely the cast and crew were. I got on really well with everyone and enjoyed being close to home over Christmas!!